Megadim assembly 13.0
Instance URI:
Megadim, Pottery Neolithic site. Round stone installations with olive pits, skull fragments of carnivores, flint tools, basalt chalices, conical cups, mortar bowls
Title |
Megadim assembly 13.0
Type |
This class represents the top-level feature type. This class is
equivalent to GFI_Feature defined in ISO 19156:2011, and it is
superclass of all feature types.
ns12:siteProtection |
A) Protected, declared, antiquity site, according to the official state publications
Is Part Of This property is intended to be used with non-literal values. This property is an inverse property of Has Part. |
Collection of sea archeological sites in Israel
Sea archeological sites and assemblage in Israel with survey map information
References This property is intended to be used with non-literal values. This property is an inverse property of Is Referenced By. |
Galili, E. and Weinstein-Evron, M. 1985. Prehistory and Paleoenvironments of Submerged Sites Along the Carmel Coast of Israel. Paléorient 11.1: 37-52.
Galili, E., Weinstein-Evron, M. and Ronen, A. 1988. Holocene Sea-Level Changes Based on Submerged Archaeological sites Off the Northern Carmel Coast in Israel. Quaternary Research 29: 36-42.
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Galili, E. and Sharvit, J. 1995. The Destruction of Ancient Coastal Installations and the Stability of the Israeli Coast During Historical Times. In Y. Arkin & D. Avigad eds. Proceedings of the Israel Geological Society annual meeting, Zikhron Ya'aqov, March 1995, Pp. 27, 34 (Hebrew/English).
Galili, E., Stanley, D.J., Sharvit, J. and Weinstein-Evron, M. 1997. Evidence for Earliest Olive-Oil Production in Submerged Settlements off the Carmel Coast, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science 24: 1141-1150.
Galili, E. and Sharvit, J. 1998. Ancient coastal installations and the tectonic stability of the Israeli coast in historical times. In Stewart I.S. and Vita--Finzi, C. eds. Coastal Tectonics, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 146: 147-163.
Galili, E. and Sharvit, J. 1998. Submerged Neolithic water-wells from the Carmel coast of Israel. Landschaftsverband Rheinland, Rheinisches Amt für Bodendenkmalpflege (Brunnen der Jungsteinzeit, Internationales Symposium Erkelenz, Oktober 1997). Cologne: Rheinland-Verlag, Bonn: Habelt. Pp. 31-44.
Galili, E., Rosen, B., Gopher, A. and Horwitz, L.K. 2002. The Emergence and Dispersion of the Eastern Mediterranean Fishing Village: Evidence from Submerged Neolithic Settlements off the Carmel Coast, Israel. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 15.2: 167-198.
Horwitz, K.L., Galili, E., Sharvit, J. and Lernau, O. 2002. Fauna from Five Submerged Pottery Neolithic Sites off the Carmel Coast. Mitekufat Haeven, Journal of The Israel Prehistoric Society 32: 147-174.
Galili, E., Gopher, A., Rosen, B. and Horvitz, L. 2004. The emergence of the Mediterranean fishing village in the Levant and the Neolithic Anomaly of Cyprus. In E. Peltenburg and A. Wasse, eds. Neolithic Revolution, New Perspectives on Southwest Asia in Light of Recent Discoveries On Cyprus. Council for British Research in the Levant and the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, 20th-23th September 2001, Droushia Village, Cyprus.
Galili, E., Zviely, D. and Weinstein-Evron, M. 2005. Holocene sea-level changes and landscape evolution on the northern Carmel coast (Israel). Mediterranée 1.2-2005:1-8.
Galili, E., Zviely, D., Ronen, A. and Mienis, H., 2007. Beach deposits of MIS 5e sea-level high stand as indicators for tectonic stability of the Carmel Coast, Israel. Quaternary Science Reviews 25: 2544-2557.
Ronen, A., Neber, A., Mienis, H., Horwitz, L.K., Amos Frumkin5 Boenigk,. W., Galili, E. 2008. A Mousterian Occupation on an OIS 5e Shore near the Mount Carmel Caves, Israel. In:
Sulgostowska and Tomaszewski eds. Man, Millennia, Environment Pp. 197-205.
Hershkovitz, I., Donoghue, H., Minnikin, D., Besra, G., Lee, O., Gernaey, A., Galili, E., Eshed, V., Greenblatt, C., Lemma, E., Kahila Bar-Gal, G., Spigelman, M. 2008. Detection and Molecular Characteristics of 9000- Year-Old Mycobacterium tuberculosis from a Neolithic Settlement in the Eastern Mediterranean. Plos One. pp 1-14.
Galili, E. and Rosen, B. 2011. Submerged Neolithic settlements off the Mediterranean coast of Israel, In: Benjamin, J., Bonsall, C., Pickard, C. and Fischer, A. eds. Submerged Prehistory: Pp. 272-286. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Galili, E. and Rosen, B. 2011. Submerged Neolithic settlements off the Mediterranean Carmel coast of Israel and water mining in the Southern Levant. Neo- Lithics 2/10: 47- 52.
Galili, E., Kolska-Horwitz, L. Eshed, V., Rosen, B. and Hershkovitz, I. 2015. Submerged prehistoric settlements off the Mediterranean Coast of Israel, Skyllis, Pp. 181-204.
Hershkovitz, I., Donogghue, H.D., Minnikin, D. E., May H. Lee, O. Feldman, M. Galili, E. Spigelman, M., Rothschild, B., M. and Kahila Bar-Gal, G. 2015. Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis origin: the Neolithic scenario. 95: S122-S126. j. tube.2015.02.021.
Galili, E., Sevketoglu, M., Salamon, A., Zviely, D., Mienis, H. K., Rosen, B. and Moshkovitz, S. 2015. Late Quaternary morphology, beach deposits, sea–level changes and uplift along the coast of Cyprus and its possible implications on the early colonists. In J. Harff, G. Bailey and F. Lüth eds. Geology and Archaeology: Submerged Landscapes of the Continental Shelf. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 411: 179-218, doi:10.1144/SP411.13.
Galili, E. and Eshed, V. 2015. SPLASHCOS viewer on submerged Euro-Mediterranean submerged sites 2015. In Houke J. ed. http://splashcos.maris2.n for viewing the sites map choose all splashcos sites.
Galili E. 2017. Book review: Prehistoric Archaeology on the Continental Shelf: A Global review. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 12:147–149.
Benjamin, J., Rovere, A., Fontana, A, Furlani, S., Vacchi, M., Inglis R., Galili, E., Antonioli, F., Sivan, D., Miko, S., Mourtzas, N., Felja, I., Meredith-Williams, M., Goodman-Tchernov, B., Kolaiti, E., Anzidei, M. and Gehrels, R. 2017. Late Quaternary sea-level change and early human societies in the central and eastern Mediterranean Basin: an interdisciplinary review. Quaternary international 449 (25):29-57.
Galili, E., Nir, Y., Vachtman, D. and Mart, Y. 2017. Physical characteristics of the continental shelves of the East Mediterranean Basin, submerged settlements and landscapes- actual finds and potential discoveries. In N. Flemming ed.
Galili E., Horwitz L. K. Eshed V. and Rosen B. 2017. Submerged Pottery Neolithic settlements off the coast of Israel: Subsistence, material culture and the the development of separate burial grounds. In: In: G. Bailey, J. Harff and D. Sakellariou (eds.), Under the Sea: Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes of the Continental Shelf. Heidelberg: Coastal Research Library 20, Springer International. Pp. 105-130.
Galili E., Ronen A., Mienis H. and Kolska horwitz K. 2017. Beach deposits containing Middle Paleolithic archaeological remains from northern Israel. Quaternary International 464 (Part A): 43-57.
Skriver C., Galili E. and Fisher A. 2018. Threats to submerged prehistoric cultural heritage. In Oceans of archaeology, A. Fisher and L. Pedersen eds.: 123-133.
Ehud Galili, Deborah Cvikel, Jonathan Benjamin, Dafna Langgut, John McCarthy, Mark Cavanagh, Yuval Sapir, Mina Weinstein-Evron, Silvia Chaim, Baruch Rosen and Liora Kolska Horwitz. 2018. Coastal Paleoenvironments and prehistory of the submerged Pottery Neolithic Stttlement of Kfar Samir, Israel. Paleorient 44(2): 113-132.
Galili E., Kolska Horwitz L. and Rosen B. 2019. The Israeli model for the detection, excavation and research of submerged prehistory. TINA Maritime Archaeological Periodical, Periodical Publications of the Turkish Archaeological Foundations: Pp. 31-69.
Galili E., Benjamin J., Eshed V., Rosen B. McCarthy J. and Kolska Horwitz L. 2020. A submerged 7000-year-old village and seawall demonstrate earliest known coastal defence against sea-level rise. PLoS ONE 14(12): e0222560.
Ehud Galili, Baruch Rosen, Mina Weinstein Evron, Israel Hershkovitz, Vered Eshed, and Liora Kolska HorwitzIn. 2020. Israel: Submerged Prehistoric Sites and Settlements on the Mediterranean Coastline— the Current State of the Art, in: Bailey, G. The Archaeology of Europe’s Drowned Landscapes. Springer Nature: 443-481.
Galili E., Benjamin J., and Kolska Horwitz L. 2020. A prehistoric seawall to combat Mediterranean Sea-level rise. The SceinceBreake, published on Oct 6, 2020.
Galili E., D. Langgut, J. F. Terral, O. Barazani, A. Dag, L. Kolska Horwitz, I. Ogloblin, B. Rosen, M. Weinstein Evron, S. Chaim, E. Kremer, S. Lev Yadun, E. Boaretto, Z. Ben Barak Zelas and A. Fishman 2021. Early production of table olives at a mid 7th millennium BP submerged site off the Carmel coast (Israel). Scientific Reports. Nature, Springer.
Galili E., Ogloblin Ramirez I., Rosen B., and Langgut D. 2021b. Gardens or evaporation salt pans on the sea bottom south of the submerged Neolithic site of Neve Yam. Israel Prehistoric Society annual meeting Bear Shiva, abstract (Hebrew).
Rosenberg, D., Galili, E., & Langgut, D. (2023). The Unseen Record: Ninth–Seventh Millennia Cal. BP Wooden and Basketry Objects from Submerged Settlements off the Carmel Coast, Israel. Forests, 14(12), 2373.
Galili E. and Kolska Horwitz L. (in press). Submerged Prehistory in Israel: A Relatively New Discipline. In, The history of prehistory eds… Strata: Journal of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society.
Galili, E. 1985. Clay Exposures and Archaeological Finds on the Sea Bottom, between Haifa and Atlit. Unpublished MA Thesis, Dept. of Maritime Civilizations, University of Haifa (Hebrew).
Galili, E. 2004. PhD. Dissertation, Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Near- Eastern cultures, Submerged Settlements of the Ninth -seventh mill. BP off the Carmel Coast (Hebrew).
Type Recommended practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the DCMI Type Vocabulary [[DCMI-TYPE](]. To describe the file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource, use the property Format. |
Submerged prehistoric settlements: A2 Seasonal camp or activity site
ns12:assemblyNumber |
ns12:seabedType |
A) Sand (1-3m thick) covering clay paleosol, occasionally exposed
Hasgeometry A spatial representation for a given feature. |
ns12:survey |
Haifa, Carmel Coast, Atlit
Survey map Haifa, Carmel Coast, Atlit
Label |
Megadim assembly 13.0
ns12:accessibility |
E) Covered by sand most of the year
ns13:maximumElevationInMeters |
ns9:catalogueNumber |
ns14:source |
B) Underwater/coastal surveys/excavations University of Haifa
Description Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. |
Megadim, Pottery Neolithic site. Round stone installations with olive pits, skull fragments of carnivores, flint tools, basalt chalices, conical cups, mortar bowls
Identifier Recommended practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to an identification system. Examples include International Standard Book Number (ISBN), Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and Uniform Resource Name (URN). Persistent identifiers should be provided as HTTP URIs. |
ns13:minimumElevationInMeters |
ns11:hasTime |
Pottery Neolithic / Early Chalcolithic / W. Rabah
ns13:typeStatus |
B) Part of the assemblage was retrieved
ns12:importanceDegree |
Exceptionally high
Longitude |
ns13:municipality |
Hof Hacarmel
Latitude |
ns12:declaration |
Tel Hreis marine site (south)
ns12:risk |
A) Danger of erosion (mechanical, chemical and biological) to a site covered by a sand on the sea bottom, and temporarily exposed when the waves and currents remove the protective layer of sand (at water depth of up to 10m)