Tel Abu Hawam anchorage, possible natural anchorage close to, or in the Kishon River outlet, ballast stones, one-holed stone anchors, approx. location, excavated by Avner Raban and Michal Artzi
Raban A. 1990. Tel Abu Hawam. Excavations and Surveys in Israel 1989/1990, 9:21.
Balensi J. and Raban A. 1985. Tel Abu Hawam, the Early Coastline. Excavations and Surveys in Israel 1985, vol. 4:1 2.
Artzy, M. (2016). Distributers and Shippers: Cyprus and the Late Bronze II Tell Abu Hawam Anchorage. Maritime Transport Containers in the Bronze–Iron Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean, edited by S. Demesticha and AB Knapp, 97-110.
Baruch, I., Artzy, M., Heller, J., Balensi, J., & Herrera, M. D. (2005). 14. The mollusc fauna from the Late Bronze and Iron Age strata of Tell Abu Hawam. Archaeomalacology: Molluscs in former environments of human behaviour, 132.
Tel Abu Hawam anchorage, possible natural anchorage close to, or in the Kishon River outlet, ballast stones, one-holed stone anchors, approx. location, excavated by Avner Raban and Michal Artzi